If London Were Syria

If London Were Syria, titled on YouTube Most Shocking Second a Day Video, is a short film commercial the YouTube video is 93 seconds created by Dont Panic London for Save The Children UK, marking the third anniversary of the Syrian Civil War. It features a young British girl experiencing the effects of a hypothetical civil war on the streets of London. Everything depicted in the video was based on the factual accounts of children in Syria. The videos purpose is to depict what life is like for kids as war erupts in their country, in order to bring attention for kids involved in the ongoing Syrian Civil War.

The video features a young British girl experiencing the effects of a hypothetical civil war on the streets of London, by showing a second a day of her life for several days over the span of a year, from one birthday anniversary of hers to the next.In the opening scene, the girl is at her birthday party, with her parents and friends near her, and a cake with candles in front of her. She is asked to make a wish. Over the next few days, she continues to live an ordinary life with loving family and friends, but soon London is engulfed in war. By the end of the video, she has lost both her parents and her face is disfigured. On her next birthday, she is seen at a hospital bed and is again presented with a cake and a candle and asked to make a wish. The video ends with the line Just because it isnt happening here doesnt mean it isnt happening. It is revealed at the end that the video is based on true stories of what children living through the Syrian Civil War experienced, and highlights the work of Save the Children to improve the lives of children in Syria and around the world. ........

Source: Wikipedia